Serving with in Saint Matthew
Children’s Ministry
To serve in the Children’s Ministry contact Lindsay Vollmar, Director of Children’s Ministry at
Media Ministry
If you have an interest in running sound, running operating a camera, or your just curious how we reach the world through live streaming, Contact Brian Caringer,
Young Adults
To serve with our young adults contact Amanda Caringer,
Worship Teams
To serve in the 9 a.m. blended service in the choir or orchestra contact Hank Oplinger, Minister Of Music, at 618-397-5994.
To serve in the 11 a.m. contemporary service worship band contact Matt Vollmar, Contemporary Worship Coordinator,
Youth Ministry
To serve with our Junior and Senior High Students contact Matt Vollmar, Director of Youth Ministry,
Local Missions
Community Interfaith Food Pantry
The Food Pantry seeks to aid local families by supplying them with a healthy variety of food on a regular basis in their time of need. The Food Pantry also supplies food baskets at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter so that these families may experience the love and generosity of God through His people. For more information on this local mission please go to, call (618) 355-9199 or visit their location 1218 W Main St, Belleville, IL 62220.
Kids For Christ – Summer Sack Lunch Program
This program, that provides lunches for some of the most needy children in the community, will begin again on Monday, June 5 and continue each Monday through August 7. We prepare and deliver approximately 250 sack lunches each Monday. Our congregation has been most generous with their financial support, bringing provisions for the bin, volunteering time on Monday mornings to prepare lunches, and needed prayer. How we thank you all! The most needed items are as follows: individually wrapped bars or snack pkgs., fruit cups, pudding cups, salty snacks (these come in boxes with 12, 36, 48 all the way up to 100), cheese slices that are not individually wrapped and white sandwich bread (dropped off Sat. or Sun. to be fresh for Monday). Because of unknown allergies, we cannot accept items containing peanuts.
Those who have volunteered over the years are always welcome and those who want to volunteer to help may call the numbers provided. Questions? Call Diane Patton, 618-233-8575 or Craig and Susan Anderson 618-520-5101.
Weekend Meals Ministry
One More Child is now the Weekend Meals Ministry!
Same ministry, just a new name! We are still helping vulnerable children in our community throughout the entire school
year and you can help! For only $5.00, you can cover the cost of food for one child for one weekend. You can make a one time contribution, or you can sponsor a child for several weeks, or you can sponsor a child each weekend of the
rest of the school year. If you would like to be a part of this program, or if you have any questions you can stop by the Connection Center or call Diane Patton (618-604-1620) for more information. There are 3 ways to contribute: You can place cash or checks in an envelope (designated “Weekend Meals”) in the offering plate on Sunday. You can deliver your contribution to the church office from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm on Monday – Thursday. You can also mail your contribution to St. Matthew Church at 1200 Moreland Drive – Belleville, IL 62223. Please make checks payable to St. Matthew Church with the memo designated “Weekend Meals”. Your care and prayers for these students are dearly appreciated!
Other Local Missions We Support
Project Compassion
Angle Tree
Global Missions
Since 1998, St. Matthew has been involved in mission work in Paraguay. Medical teams and construction teams travel to the South American country each year to help the Methodist Church of Paraguay reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Throughout the entire country, you will find church buildings, parsonages, and camps that were built by people from St. Matthew. There are people in that nation whose very lives were saved by medical treatment from St. Matthew’s medical team. There are many today who know Jesus Christ because of the missionaries and mission work that the church supports.
Current Mission
Every year the people of St. Matthew send a team of medical professionals loaded with supplies to care for the local population in one of the poorest locations in Paraguay. Every person who receives medical treatment also has a chance to be prayed over and to receive Jesus. Our team not only shares the gospel but provides bibles to everyone who comes.
These capable doctors, pharmacists, nurses, dentists, optometrists, and chiropractors need your prayers. There are so many hurting people both physically and spiritually, and they want to reach as many people as possible for the Lord!
Operation Christmas Child
Saint Matthew is a local collection site for Operation Christmas Child and each year our children and youth ministries sponsor a shoebox packing drive. National Collection is the second week November. Help us fill the church gym with shoe boxes to send around the world. Look for more information and shoe boxes for you to fill towards the end of October and the beginning of November each year.
For more on how Samaritan’s Purse uses and distributes the shoe boxes visit their website here.